Donors’ Initiative for Mediterranean Freshwater Ecosystems

Protect and restore freshwater ecosystems in the Mediterranean

Freshwater ecosystems host a rich biodiversity and provide a supply of water for local populations. Due to human and climatic disturbances, though, these freshwater ecosystems have extinction rates four to six times higher than those in marine or terrestrial environments. In the Mediterranean Basin, freshwater vertebrate populations have declined by an average of 28% since 1993, and 36% of the remaining species are now endangered. It is necessary to face up to these upheavals, which is why the Aage V. Jensen Charity Foundation, the MAVA Foundation, and the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation have joined forces to create the Donors’ Initiative for Mediterranean Freshwater Ecosystems.

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PROÉCO - PROtection, conservation et valorisation des ÉCOsystèmes d’eau douce et de la biodiversitè sur 4 sites Ramsar dans le gouvernorat de Nabeul, Tunisie
Conservation of the Albanian Water Frog
Assessing Status of Fungi Inhabiting Neretva River as an Important Step Towards Identifying Top Priority Freshwater Sites in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Science-Based Conservation of Wetlands in Two Key Biodiversity Areas in the State of Palestine
Towards Effective Management in the Key Biodiversity Area of Cijevna Canyon Natural Monument, Montenegro
Testing New Distance Monitoring Methods for Biodiversity Conservation in Three Key Biodiversity Areas in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Supporting Better Management of Delta Bojana in Montenegro
Enhancing the Knowledge Base on Dabarsko and Fatničko Karstic Fields and Underground Water Systems and Reducing the Threats from Unsustainable Water Use in Bosnia and Herzegovina

