Sustaining Water for All Through Nature-Based Solutions In Balıkdamı Wetland
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Sustaining Water for All Through Nature-Based Solutions In Balıkdamı Wetland

Dates / Project duration

July 2023 - July 2026 / 37 months


In progress


Central Anatolia, Turkey

Project leader(s)

The Nature Research Society ?


The Balıkdamı Wetland, located in the upper basin of the Sakarya River in Turkey, is an exceptional ecological site and a protected area under national legislation. Despite its protected status, the wetland is under considerable pressure, particularly from extensive water use for agricultural purposes, resulting in habitat degradation, loss of biodiversity and ecological disturbance. These threats, caused by the alteration of the water regime, extensive discharges and inappropriate land use practices, have led to flooding in the surrounding areas and contamination of the wetland, affecting its ecological structure and ecosystem services.

The wetland is home to a rich biodiversity, including various plant and animal species, and is an important site for migratory birds and cultural heritage. The Balıkdamı Management Plan, prepared by Doğa Araştırmaları Derneği (DAD) in partnership with the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, aims to assess the area’s conservation status and rehabilitate vulnerable ecosystems to ensure harmony between land use and natural resource use. However, the implementation of the plan has been hampered by financial constraints.
The proposed project focuses on mitigating the challenges facing the Balıkdamı Wetland by filling the gaps in the existing management plan and highlighting the importance of wetlands. It aims to promote the integrity of the ecosystem and the availability of fresh water for natural habitats and inhabitants by implementing strategies to combat water overuse, biodiversity loss and ecological disturbance.

The project aims to engage local government, organisations and stakeholders to address the threats and will work closely with regional authorities to provide in-kind support such as expertise and field visits. The goal is to protect the ecological balance, biodiversity and ecosystem services of Balıkdamı, while raising awareness of the importance of wetlands.